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Tuesday 23 April 2013

City of Angels

As I have mentioned already I didn't really want to stop in LA as I had not liked it the first time around.  However, if I wanted to see the Grand Canyon I had no choice as the train change happens in LA.

I was also apprehensive about my hotel having read the reviews just before I left home and as LA is the only City I have ever felt unsafe in, security was also a concern as I was arriving at 21:00.

Anyway, the first pleasant surprise was that the Station was beautiful, built in the Art deco period it still has its original tiles and solid wooden and leather waiting room chair.  I didn't notice on my last visit just how Spanish/Mexican California is but it certainly hit me this time.

My second surprise was that it was still light and ......... I could see my hotel from the station entrance so didn't have to worry about getting a taxi - result!

All fears about my hotel were also quickly dispersed as I was greeted by a very friendly staff and made comfortable in a lovely spacious room - no sign of the unpleasant smell mentioned in a couple of reviews!

After an early night I needed to find a bank to cash some travel cheques.  The Manager at my local NatWest had recommended I take them instead of carrying a large amount of cash - they are now very outdated in America - good job she had left the bank or I would be having a word with her (hehe).

So I found myself very quickly at a bank in Chinatown.

No problems there so with a couple of hours to spare I thought I would try out the local sandwich bar that I had seen mentioned in a couple of reviews.

As I sat there about to tuck in to my delicious lamb dipped sandwich the lady next to me caught my eye - she was taking photos of the sandwich bar - just as it occurred to me that the place was very familiar.  I knew I hadn't been there before and as her partner joined her I heard the first English voices I had come across since getting to America.  Then it all clicked in to place.  The Sandwich bar had featured on an episode of Man V Food and Phil & Lisa had also made a special trip to see the place and of course, taste the fayre.  We laughed about taking the pictures and chatted for a while - they were in California for a very cool festival and ended up taking my blog details to keep up with my trip.

How come we don't have dipped sandwiches in England?
That was when we heard the tragic news about the Boston Marathon - shocking!  Boston had been on my original travel list but as it was further East and I wanted to see more in the West I had decided to leave it for this trip - thank goodness.  As I'm sure you all heard massive traffic chaos followed and when I returned to the Station  there was a very high Police presence on the concourse.  Luckily my travel plans were not disrupted.

I returned to the station later to board the Southwest Chief for my journey to Williams Junction and the Grand Canyon.  Maybe LA isn't so bad after all.

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